By Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda
This incident happened when I was in Lhasa, in Tibet. I had heard that there were people in this area who lived long, some who were over 300 years of ago, I wanted to meet some of them and talk to them. One of the lamas in the Potala Palace directed me to another Lama working on a nearby field.
I asked this lama who looked fairly old “Sir I am told you are very old . I would like to understand how you live”.
He was very active at work, pulling weeds and repairing the field when I went to him.
He laughed. “I am only middle aged! I am just 136! There are many here who are far older than I am! You should go and meet them if you wish to see old people, not me.”
I saw a medical report testifying he was over 136 year old! I asked him how it was possible for him to work so hard at this age. He simply said that for us lamas 300 is a normal life span. That is what we believe and that is what we see. There is nothing surprising in some one working hard physically at I50 or 200 years of age.
I asked him again, “how did this belief come about?” He said, “in all our ancestral burial places it is written when they were born and when they died. They all lived to about 300; to die at 200 would be an early death.”
What your mind believes, it makes happen.
Medical science now understands that every part of our body gets renewed once ever so often. Millions of cells out of the estimated 60 trillion cells in our body die every day and get created again. Limbs are recreated. Our entire body becomes totally new once every 18 months or so. Not one cell in your body now was there some two years ago. Not one cell that is present in your body now will exist as it is now two years from now.
As long as you do not disturb our mind body system and allow it to function the way the Tibetan lamas do, you too can live to 300! These lamas understand the science of how the body recreates, renews, and regenerates itself and have established both the concept and the process to make this happen. So can you!