Reflections on Being a Sindhi
By Mrs. Ratna Harish
We have everything here in India, specially in Mumbai, and so I ask myself - and others also must be doing the same - why do we miss our own Sind?
My Sukkur in Sind on the bank of Sindhu river was beautiful.
The long and wide stretch of drive on the bank of Sindhu was a great attraction for evening and night walks, with bathing ghats for ladies and gents, for swimming in the mighty river.
It was a sight to see when, on Chetichand Mela, thousands used to gather. Sindhu River, here, was a great force, and during the day many a swimmer used to jump from the bridge on the Indus and show skills, and have real excitement and celebrate the occasion by having mangoes.
The Sadhubella in the middle of river Sindhu was a great place of worship with a temple in the centre, with silver doors in the various rooms and some rooms with marble, and sitting on the marble flooring in summer was a great feeling. The garden in Sadhubella was a picnic place with peacocks dancing and entertaining.
My God, I miss my Sukhur !
In summer we all used to go to Karachi, the harbour town.
The roads were great, the Victorias were a great attraction. The rhythm of the wheels of a Victoria was exciting!
I remember the big red bananas in Bolton Market in Karachi. We used to love eating them and we took some back with us when returning to our place, for our friends.
The sea and swimming at Kiyamari with tyre floats, I can never forget; and the boat rides were fantastic.
The pictures keep on rolling on the screen of my heart and have a permanent abode.
I share these experiences with my dear ones who were born here in India and have never been to Sind.
Long live our Sind on the map of the World and in our minds !