30, Housewife, Mumbai
I feel honored to have been born to Sindhi parents of high literary and cultural caliber (Mohan and Roop Gehani). Being exposed to the Sindhi environment at home, I gained deep insight into the richness of Sindhi heritage. I have grown up speaking Sindhi, but unfortunately cannot read or write. Although I have read and studied English and American literature, I regret that the window of Sindhi literature is closed to me.
24, Film and Theatre Actor, Mumbai
We are young, we don’t know anything about Sindh, but our fathers and forefathers really went through hell during partition when they had to leave their homes. I remember when my grandfather came to see my play-LAHORE, and after the play he came backstage, and literally cried on the shoulder of Mr. Dinesh Thakur, the director of the play. Sindhis went through so much and that is why they are so hard working, brainy and helpful.

51, Sindhi Humor writer - Pune
We, Sindhis are globally scattered, busy making money. I wonder if we could take time off to laugh a little. Have we left behind our laughter in Sindh? Or are we distanced to such an extent that one Sindhi cannot hear another laughing? Or is it that we have lost the sense of humour? Whatever the case may be, I feel that we Sindhis should come closer to be able to even hear each other smiling, be it in person or writing.
8, Student, Mumbai
I have always spoken Sindhi at home, with my parents as well as my grandparents. I have once heard that Sindhi is dying, but I wonder – Is Sindhi a person, then how can it die? Those who are frightened are the ones who frighten others.