Prof. (Mrs.) Sabita Babani,
52, Retd. Lecturer of Psychology, Mumbai
I don’t understand why certain Sindhis go on and on about Sindhyat and Sindhology. It is of limited interest only to a section of Sindhis born in Sindh. Why not instead, think of ourselves as Indian or better still as World citizens? As part of the human race? When I hear of the world becoming a global village I feel we Sindhis after loosing out on Sindh, will miss the bus yet again by being driven out of global citizenship. It is time we prepare our future generations with values of one universe, rather than putting such obsolete ideas of Sindhi, Marathi, Bihari which only divide man fro man, brother from brother.

Shri Hari Pankaj,
62, Short Story Writer, Ulhasnagar
Now a days in our community a new breed of VIPs have appeared who go to any length to seek cheap publicity. There are actually some agencies who cater to these ‘Sethias’ to get them to become chief guest at some function at a price. These new rich Sindhis have earned money and now they want to buy fame at any price. So the agents help them get publicity. I have written quite a few short stories on this issue and my latest play is centered around this theme.

Moomal Punjabi,
20, Student, Mumbai
I inherited Sindhyat at home. I have always been part of a simple Sindhi atmosphere at home. In our house, love and respect for Sindhis is given utmost importance. Seeing my grand parents (Uttam & Sundri Uttamchandani) trying to actively contribute to Sindhi culture as much as they can even at their ripe age inspires me to work towards promotion of Sindhyat. Working with my parents in Sindhi Sangat while I was in Dubai gave me a lot of exposure into Sindhi world and its ancient heritage. It really makes me feel proud to be a Sindhi!

Mona Tekchandani,
23, Travel Agency Exec., Mumbai
I have learnt to speak Sindhi from my grant parents. I speak Sindhi at home only. I would like to teach my children to speak and write in Sindhi. I have heard that there is a rich heritage of Sindhi literature of which I feel very proud. Sindhis have set up so many colleges, in fact I have graduated from H. R. College of the Sindhis. I feel every Sindhi should know to speak Sindhi.