Sindhis are not united' is an often heard statement. What makes them so ?
Hasanand : We are not united because we do not give much to each other, we live with false pride. In these days of kaliyug we have leaders who would give us pride by saying that we do not need any reservations etc. but if all other minority communities are to get this, why not sindhis. Don't we need it or we want to be saints? Let us unite and decide, either none or we too would either get it or become a majority.
Regards and thanks for letting me share these thoughts through your forum.
Sunil Talreja : Sindhis are not united. This is true statement. Reason is simple. Sindhis are money minded people and their only purpose is to earn money and money only, and no concern with their own culture. I myself am a Sindhi but feel shame to belong to one of coward community, which always believe in escapism rather than fighting back for their prestige and motherland. I can see non-sindhis candidates leading areas where 90% of population is Sindhi. I can see the houses of Sindhis getting looted first, shops of Sindhis burnt first in Hindu-Muslims feuds. Hope some renaissance will come in my caste for upliftment of this society.
Sunil Gera, Pune : We are often wrong quoted, it is not true.
Sundri Parchani : There is a saying 'men don't want brotherhood, they want leadership.' If only Sindhis give more importance to brotherhood, rather than wanting to be leaders, I'am sure we would be a force to reckon with as we are in the world of business - no community can surpass us.
Dinesh Chanchlani : I don't think Sindhis are not united per se. If dis-unity is the topic, then perhaps every Hindu comes under the lens. Hindus were never united and that is why Muslims were able to invade us, and later on, the British able to rule us. There is dis-unity amongst the Sindhis. One of the primary factors, in my opinion, is because the Sindhi community has been displaced. Partition took away our state, our area of civilization, and hence our culture. When Sindhis migrated they were the poorest communities in India. They had to live under hostile conditions, the entire country was under siege by the Islamic elements and rioting in those times. Migration itself had an extremely adverse effect on the Sindhi psyche. Hence, Sindhis are very skeptical people. They are tough, they fought the odds and emerged as one of the richest communities of India in 50 years. The present generation of Sindhis is confident and smart. The only factor that is perhaps depressing is, they are getting more westernized and in essence, beginning to look down upon their community, their culture and traditions. Basically, they are slowly turning into self-haters.
Chander Bhatia : The primary reason for Sindhis not being united is that we don't have our own state. We are scattered. Secondly, we are distancing ourselves from our own culture. Today, present Sindhi generation feels embarassed in talking in Sindhi language. Now a days it is seen as old-fashioned or lowering of dignity while speaking in Sindhi.
Swati Rohra : It is unfortunately true Sindhis arent united but they arent to be blamed entirely for this. We are all aware that the migration of Sindhis from Pakistan (now) to India created a havoc in the lives of many. I do not wish to reiterate the hardships faced by Sindhis as this gives us a reason to brood instead of encouraging us in progressing. But, to emphasize my point I will do so in very few words. Sindhis lost their land and settled in various parts of India. Belonging to the business class, these people started their own businesses. Coming to a new land, living amongst new people and re-establishing their base wasn't easy. They had to remain on guard always. This resulted in distrust not only for members of other communities but also among members of the same community. The hardships that Sindhis faced made them highly individualistic and they continue to remain so. This individualism has gone a little too far. I think it is time to relax this whole individualism bit and unite.
Rohnak : Sindhi are not united and can never be..... May be this is the reason they are self sufficient and strive to be the best than any other Sindhi, disintegrated around the world.
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