Non- violence programme
By Ranjit Butani

The growing stamina of this young old man with every passing year never ceases amaze me.
The tenacity and total dedication to the cause that takes his heart is awe-inspiring. I only wish there were more like him amongst our community – selfless, unassuming, and practical and with no compunction while calling a spade a spade. Some promoting dubious avoid him for his frank and fierce tongue lashing but those who knows him from close quarters, love and admire him and delight at his approving smile.
I am referring to none other then our very own Dial Gidwani whom I fondly call Dada, hold in high esteem besides cherishing the relationship I share with him.
Not just rolling up his sleeves and charging whole hog in support of any cause for Sindhiyat he is known for not taking a back seat for causes beneficial to entire mankind at large.
American Institute of Sindhulogy (AIS) established by Dada Dial Gidwani completes 10 year for operation in 2010 and intends to launch a project on non-violence on 18th January 2010 to coincide with the Martin Luther King Day Celebrations.
In his own words:-
“AIS will complete its tenth year of operation in May 2010. It has been exciting and rewarding of pursue the mission to reach out to our people from the sub continent, mainstream, of America and the World.
AIS, at the recommendation of education institute, academicians and scholars undertook mission of condensing important theme from RETURN OF THE ARYANS for college students and engage in further research on the subject. The invigoration study invited enthusiastic response, which is evident from the fact that AIS website is overwhelmed with hits and request for e-mail registration. AIS focuses on the need of our future generation in the filed of education and knowledge. An important goal of the AIS is to educate and transfer knowledge from the Sindhu (Indus) Civilization of Bharat Varsha – one of the four ancient civilizations for the old world. This goal caters to the need of the mainstream and people of the subcontinent.
Our third and fourth generation have been born and educated in an alien culture. The AIS serves to protect, preserve and promote cultural awareness and firmly believes that every one can follow his or her faith of choice, while simultaneously maintaining his or her cultural understanding and practicing universal values. Barriers must be broken and cultures must be connected.
A recent egregious incidence occurred in Chicago (where AIS is headquartered) and the prompted me, a former Indian Citizen, to consider the tradition of non-violence as a possible instrument for dampening the impulsive violent behavior of today’s youth. The idea is simply to make School children of Illinois aware of non violence as an alternate to resorting to physical harm.
The institute presented the issue to
President Barack Obama
Hon. Arne Duncan Education Secretary
President Obama advocates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non violence with conviction and asserted in his welcome speech at the state dinner hosted in honor of Prime Minister of India’s visit to United States on November 24, 2009 as well in his most recent speech at Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Copenhagen.
AIS is encouraged by the positive response from the US Education Department’s recommendation to approach School Boards directly for including “Non Violence” in the school curriculum and we are developing “Student Lesson and Teachers guide on non violence” for age group 5-16 years.
AIS propose to include in the curriculum non violent teaching practiced by Mahatma Gandhi, Rev Martin Luther King Jr., Aung San Suu Kyi, and President Nelson Mandela and Frontier Gandhi Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, each of whom equally personifies virtues we wish to impart.
The first step towards introducing non violence project was to design a web site for educators, students and present it to school boards. AIS has undertaken to consolidate information on respected leaders and will soon be available on AIS web site.
The contents are focused to reach out not only to elementary / secondary students but also
. Federal Education Department . Illinois Department of Education
. Local School Boards . Main Stream Media
. Community Organization . Administrators
. Educators, . Those Concerned with child safety
. Law enforcement official and other with protective responsibilities in schools
There are 2.7 million Indians who have migrated to USA to realize American Dream. Indian community has been successful. It is noble obligation of Indian community to take active lead in promoting the philosophy of non violence, and tolerance by Mahatma Gandhi among the future generation and mainstream of America.”