Nandlal Jotwani
Warm greetings. I was delighted to see your wonderful journal, Sindhishaan in the living room of Padmashri Dada Dr. Motilal Jotwani. Its creative contributions, pleasing presentation and refreshing reflection of Sindhishaan the glory surrounding Sindhis impressed me.
I was overwhelmed by the ‘junoon’ with which you are pursuing your noble mission despite difficulties inherent in sustaining, in these hard days of ‘soft’ – dominance and declining readership, a hi-quality magazine, which is the food for mind and the feast for eyes. I look forward to Sindhishaan evolving itself to usher-in renaissance of Sindhyat in its pristine glory and in its all manifestations – art, literature, culture, politics, entrepreneurship, et al.
My best wishes are with you
Nandlal Jotwani