Narendra Sadhwani
Along with all family members I wish you greater success in providing fabulous articles and knowledgeable write ups through Sindhishaan. Shree Kirat Babani’s article about “Sant Kanwar Ram” was indeed a touching one like many more in the past.
I am a Sindhi writer and associated with Sindhi Adbi Mahafil, in Dubai.
I write Sindhi plays and presented one recentely “Manj Ta Manj- Na - Ta - Ta Vanj”, where Dubais’s local business and stage related personalities were present, among them Shree Ram Buxani who was the cheif guest.
I really appreciate all the efforts taken by few of “YOU” in the sindhi community to keep the language and the culture alive.
I wish you and your staff a “Very Happy Diwali” and the success to come in future.
Narendra Sadhwani