Puran D. Jethwani
Thank you very much for your beautiful magazine ‘Sindhishaan’ (Vol-2, Issue-4, Oct-Dec.2003), both in cover get-up & the contents, with articles by our eminent brothers/sisters. It is coming out better & better and nicer & nicer, issue after issue, full with fragrance of ‘Sindhyat’, indeed!
Your editorial “Home Coming or going back Home” is worth thought giving and questions arising are pertinent. (para 1) – “For that matter what percentage of ........ make available such a state”. If it comes through (let us hope), then which will be a suitable region for this hypothetical Indian state for Sindhis, is also a question to be given a thought.
With kind regards & season’s greetings,
Puran D. Jethwani