
Volume - 1 : Issue - 3

Published : April - June 2002

Group : Feedback

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Prem Tolani


My Dear Shri Sundar Iyer,

I am very thankful to have received the magazine Sindhishaan, Issue no. 2. I have gone through its contents very vividly. No doubt that the set-up and get-up of the magazine is not only the appreciating factor, but its standard, quality and contents will certainly occupy a pivotal position among the periodical magazines published so far in English, related with the Sindhi multifold activities. In this regard yours is a distinguished magazine.

The present sober activities of the Sindhi jagat has been highlighted for the youngsters to read. You have tired you best to give several facets of Sindhi community hence the magazine can rightly be labeled as “Sindhishaan.”

Finally, I express my gratitude on behalf of my readings and perceptions, which permit me to say that the current issue has excelled to the previous issues. In fact, I had stored some comments and suggestions regarding the 1st issue, but you have, without knowing them, obviated those shortcomings.

With regards,

Prem Tolani