It was a glorious last quarter for Sindhis – thanks to PANKAJ ADVANI and SHONALI NAGRANI, who gave the community additional reasons to rejoice and feel proud.
A Sindhi World Champion in the field of sports and what an achievement. At 18 years and 93 days the unassuming Pankaj Advani became the youngest player to be crowned World Snooker Champion on 25th October 2003 in China.
The first ever Indian to win a crown at the Miss International pageant was another Sindhi, Shonali Nagrani, crowned First Runner-up Miss International, in Tokyo on 8th October 2003. A tribute to the beauty, grace, charm and intelligence of the Sindhi woman.
We’ve proven ourselves and excelled in every sector — Trade & Commerce, Finance, Manufacturing, Education, Medicine, etc. — you name it and you will find a few Sindhis at the highest echelons of each. A community miniscule in number but world beaters when it comes to achievements.
What should then be our target achievements for 2004?
But how quickly has the year 2003 gone! – Some reflections :
• I am 1 year older, that’s 1 year reduced from my balance lifespan.
• Am I satisfied with what I did in the last year? Should I have done something differently?
• Did I hurt anyone’s feelings? Did I do something for someone not as fortunate?
• Did I spend quality time with my family?
• Did I make some progress on the ultimate path of knowledge and spirituality?
…. It goes on and on, but I think at least once a year such introspection is necessary. Actually it should be more often.
So then coming back to target achievements for 2004, how about some New Year resolutions!
Frankly when I recently read somewhere “May your troubles last as long as your New Year resolutions”, I feel tempted to advise “Don’t make any!” At least “let’s not call them New Year Resolutions” but “Self Improvement Possibilities”. SIPS to be taken regularly, throughout the year, reflected on and requisite measures adopted to implement them, one by one.
Knowing where we come from and what were our roots will enable us to take the shortest path to our goals, both material and spiritual by taking optimum advantage of our ancestral traits and characteristics that we inherit with our genes. Let’s become aware, step by step, about our traditions, heritage and culture, music and fine arts, folklore, history and above all language to realize our identity. SIP by SIP.
From my side the first SIP is to sign off in Sindhi.
Best regards,
Ranjit Butani